Meeting Start time: 12:05

Called to order by Eli Shoemake.

Our RSO (Registered Student Org) started last semester for building out liquefier.

Fundraising opportunities is the primary advantage of being an RSO.

Introduction to ISE, meeting goals

The 416 teams are working parallel to RC Baja in the past, using the club project for classwork.

We now have a site at – Meeting minutes, archives of info will be posted there. There is also room for details bout the system and people working on it.

We need to start updating site on team by team basis, models, posts, pictures. Please let Eli know who needs access for editing the site with updates.

Calendar is up, events and meetings will be posted to it.

Questions –

Can we join the club officially?

You can join through cougsync, no officers, and we will not be using cougsync, so it’s not critical.

Can we put this on a resume?

Go for it!

Identify expert for each subsystem, point of contact list (on Website):

Get an idea of membership

Representatives are here from each 416 group, nobody from 316 yet.

Assign Team Experts

  1. Vortex Team – Mitchell Scott

2. Heat Exchanger Team – Taylor Bryant

3. Purification – Scott Bredberg

4. TFRB – Brian Karlberg

Team progress updates (~5 min per team)

Purification – narrowed to a system, requires input ad water gas shift, cryoseperating reqs 75%, 350 psi, heat exgr to get rid of heavier molecules, rectifier/condenser toughest part to build, condenses ch4 and co2, piston expander to take temp down to -205 C, nitrogen out bottom, H2 at 5 9s out top and into exchr. Run numbers next. – Use ref prop for phase diagrams, properties. Want to avoid solid state. – question on what to do with the liquids. Doing calcs on plates, number of plates and thickness. Goal is concept sheets by end of week. Get info from Jake on Ability Engineering (Illinois)

Vortex – model on changing global vaiables. Review list with Eli. Manufacture out of Kurt’s shop. Size of vortex – 8 inches. Heat exchanger is after vortex tube.

Heat Exchanger – theortical model. counterflow, parrallel tube. Update with mass flow changes. Wanted outlet temp to be 28K (Jake), at 38 K will drop 6 K, 40K will only drop 2K. Planning design review in about a week. Will have Cad model. Asumption for converstion ratio. Need to determine length.

Chef being prepped for March timeframe vortex tube data. Will need follow up tube 3 weeks to month timeline.

Container update

Showing up Monday 2/22 Noon – 2pm

Discuss space preparations for meeting on Wednesday

High level industry people turing facility TFRB Wed AM. Goal is to have space clean and have DYK printed and posted. Put up science/fun things. Want pipe thread, etc poster. Open call for ideas.

Discuss the RSO website

What do we want to do with it? It’s more or less a skeleton right now – let’s put some flesh on those bones!

Would like a people section with professional photo and professional info / bio. Make posts for updates. Provide info for openlab resources

Wild Horse Wind Facility Tour notice

Jake has got to know people at the wind farm through talks on using hydrogen for load leveling. There is some interest in our liquefier, and they have offered to provide tours, normally April to November. We can get a tour if desired. Guidelines and liability form are in the post on the website.

Open Forum

What is 316 doing? – They have a compressor team, a storage team, leak detection, venting, power team, connections team, insulation, system integration. Some work into a blast off panel may be undertaken in the future if a group has time. Right now the system integration has been talking about Bosch tubing for the framework.

End of Meeting