Meeting start time: 3:00 pm

Members/Grad Students/Mentors Present: Eli, James, Jose, Mathew, Sage

  • Discussed and decided on how much LH2 we’d like to be able to produce for the final design
  1. Considered NFPA Documentation
  2. To comply w/ NFPA, decided that liquefying 150 L of H2 max per day was acceptable.
  3. Corresponds to 88.54 SLM total flow throughout the system
  4. Ideally wanting 40% of the total flow coming out of cold side.
  5. Corresponds to 885.4 L/min inlet flow.
  • Eli started design documentation to record future needs & updates.
  • Worked through safety documentation for initial testing.
  1. Got oriented with documentation
  2. Modified for the needs of ISE.
  3. Formatted so changes can be made as further iterations are made.