Diagnostic Challenge


Our valued clients have become the heart and soul of our program!

Dr. Steve Hines, DC Program Founder

Welcome new and veteran DC clients and thank you for committing to participate in what has become a proud tradition at WSU College of Veterinary Medicine!

In order to prepare you for our upcoming DC’s our team has created a training program and corresponding website designed to equip you with the tools and confidence you’ll need for a successful and fun DC experience!

The training program is divided into the 4 digestible segments listed below. As a group we will address each segment individually over the course of several months. Just as you received an email with a web link leading you to this, our first segment entitled “Welcome,” in the weeks to come you will receive additional emails containing similar links to materials corresponding to the remaining 3 training segments.

DC Client Training in 4 Simple Steps:

  • Welcome
  • DC Expectations & Structure
  • Role-Playing: Principles & Samples
  • Assessment & Feedback

NOTE: We strongly encourage clients to work through the training segments as they are received rather than delaying and attempting to learn all the information at once. Experience has taught us such clients unfortunately miss critical points and do not possess a sense of preparedness during role-plays. On the other hand, once materials have been released they will remain on the website – retrievable by following the emailed web links -making the invaluable practice of reviewing former segments quick and easy.

Finally, the day before DC’s commence we will all assemble for a group review of the online training program. This final training opportunity is mandatory and will serve as a chance for you to ask questions, share ideas and practice role-playing opposite your peers.

Once again, we sincerely appreciate your commitment to this year’s DC’s and hope you enjoy the training program! Please be on the lookout for subsequent emails containing links to the remaining client training segments and please do not hesitate to contact if and when questions arise. Queries and/or comments can be directed to Assistant Director of the DCs Dr. Rachel Halsey at r.halsey@wsu.edu.

Best wishes and happy training,
~The DC Team