Diagnostic Challenge

Simulated Client

Veterinary medicine is a unique profession that requires engagement with both animals (patients) and people (clients) alike. Unlike human medicine our patients cannot speak for themselves—except in woofs and whinnies—and therefore learning and exercising proper client communication techniques are essential for diagnosing and treating the animals entrusted to us.

You forget that one of the most important aspects of our profession is client communication, and the DC’s  definitely remind you of that!

former DC student participant

Diagnostic Challenge (DC) is an innovative and unique program founded right here at WSU, which aims to introduce these critical communication techniques early in the students’ four-year educational process. Using mock scenarios, students are given the invaluable opportunity to work through a case from start to finish. Here’s where you come in… Every year, adventurous and/or just plain curious participants like YOU succeed in bringing these scenarios to life by portraying mock clients, a process which is as fun for the client as it is educationally beneficial for the student!!

Our client was awesome and I had a great time being her doctor!

former DC student participant

If you have already committed to serving as a client for this year’s DC’s we thank you and hope you enjoy this website complete with materials designed to give you the tools and confidence for an excellent DC experience! Not signed up yet, but eager to learn more? Please contact Assistant Director of the DC Program Dr. Rachel Halsey at r.halsey@wsu.edu for more information.

DC Client Training Modules: