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Washington State University
Donna M. Campbell Amlit: Authors

George Washington Cable: Secondary Bibliography

George Washington Cable: Secondary Bibliography

Alexander, Robert Allen, Jr. “The Irreducible African: Challenges to Racial Stereotypes in George W. Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Songs of Reconstructing South: Building Literary Louisiana, 1865-1945. Eds. Suzanne Disheroon-Green, Lisa Abney and Robin Miller. Contributions to the Study of American Literature Number: 11: Greenwood, Westport, CT Pagination: 123-33, 2002. xviii, 220.

Alexander, Robert Allen. “Twain and Cable, Twins of Genesis: The Origins and Evolution of ‘a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’ and ‘Bonaventure’.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 58.4 (1997): 1276.

Bendixen, Alfred. “Cable’s the Grandissimes: A Literary Pioneer Confronts the Southern Tradition.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 23-33.

—. “George W. Cable and the Garden.” Louisiana Studies 15 (1976): 310-15.

Benfey, Christopher. Degas in New Orleans: Encounters in the Creole World of Kate Chopin and George Washington Cable. Berkeley, CA : U of California P, 1997.

Berkove, Lawrence. “A Possible Influence of Bierce Upon Cable.” Markham Review 7 (1978): 59-60.

Berkove, Lawrence I. “The Free Man of Color in the Grandissimes and Works by Harris and Mark Twain.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 60-73.

Bickley, R. Bruce. “White No Longer.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Cultures 51.2 (1998): 333-37.

Bryan, Violet Harrington. “Creating and Re-Creating the Myth of New Orleans: Grace King and Alice Dunbar-Nelson.” Publications of the Mississippi Philological Association (1987): 185-96.

Butcher, Philip. “George W. Cable and George W. Williams: An Abortive Collaboration.” Journal of Negro History 53.4 (1968): 334-44.

—. “George Washington Cable (1844-1925).” American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 1 (1967): 20-25.

—. “Memories of Miss Moffat.” Columbia Library Columns 34.1 (1984): 26-35.

—. “Two Early Southern Realists in Revival.” College Language Association Journal 14 (1970): 91-95.

Campbell, Michael L. “The Negro in Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 27 (1974): 165-78.

Cardwell, Guy A. “George W. Cable Becomes a Professional Reader.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 23.4 (1952): 467-70.

Castillo, Susan. “Stones in the Quarry: George Cable’s Strange True Stories of Louisiana.” Southern Literary Journal 31.2 (1999): 19-34.

Christophersen, Bill. “‘Jean-Ah Pouquelin’: Cable’s Place in Southern Gothic.” South Dakota Review 20.2 (1982): 55-66.

Clark, William Bedford. “Cable and the Theme of Miscegenation in Old Days and the Grandissimes.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 30 (1977): 597-609.

—. “Humor in Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 51-59.

Clark, William B. “The Serpent of Lust in the Southern Garden: The Theme of Miscegenation in Cable, Twain, Faulkner and Warren.” Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (1974): 5958A-.

Cleman, John. “The Art of Local Color in George W. Cable’s the Grandissimes.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 47.3 (1975): 396-.

—. “College Girl Wilderness: Nature in the Work of George W. Cable.” Markham Review 5 (1976): 24-30.

Cleman, John L. “The Wilderness and the Garden: Nature in the Work of George Washington Cable.” Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (1974): 7699A-.

Cox, Sister Eva M. O. S. F. “George Washington Cable’s Handling of the Racial Problem in His Fiction.” Dissertation Abstracts International 31 (1971): 4761A(Notre.

Crowder, Richard. “A Note to George Washington Cable.” American Notes and Queries 14 (1976): 103.

Cuenca, Carmen Manuel. “George Washington Cable Y Thomas Nelson Page: La Construcción Literaria Del Sur En La Postguerra Decimonónica American (George Washington Cable and Thomas Nelson Page: The Literary Construction of the South in the American Nineteenth Century Postwar).” Dissertation Abstracts International 55.3 (1994): Item.

de Planchard, Etienne. “Entre Fleuve Et Marais Ou Les ‘Bayous-Conteurs’ Dans the Grandissimes De G. W. Cable.” Caliban 26 (1989): 81-90.

Duet, Tiffany. “‘Do You Not Know That Women Can Make Money?’: Women and Labor in Louisiana Literature.” Songs of Reconstructing South: Building Literary Louisiana, 1865-1945. Eds. Suzanne Disheroon-Green, Lisa Abney and Robin Miller. Contributions to the Study of American Literature Number: 11: Greenwood, Westport, CT Pagination: 49-64, 2002. xviii, 220.

Eaton, Richard Bozman. “George W. Cable and the Historical Romance.” Southern Literary Journal 8.1 (1975): 84-94.

Egan, Joseph J. “‘Jean-Ah Poquelin’: George Washington Cable as Social Critic and Mythic Artist.” Markham Review 2.3 (1970): (6)-(7).

—. “Lions Rampant: Agricola Fusilier and Bras-Coupe as Antithetical Doubles in the Grandissimes.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 74-80.

Elfenbein, Anna Shannon. Women on the Color Line: Evolving Stereotypes and the Writings of George Washington Cable, Grace King, Kate Chopin. Charlottesville : UP of Virginia, 1994.

Eubanks, Sandra L. “The Letters of George Washington Cable: A Selected Edition.” Dissertation Abstracts International 52.11 (1992): 3927A.

Evans, William. “Cable, Poquelin, and Miss Burt: The Difficulties of a Dialect Writer.” Louisiana Studies 15 (1976): 45-60.

—. “French-English Literary Dialect in the Grandissimes.” American Speech 46.3-4 (1971): 210-22.

Evans, William W. “Naming Day in Old New Orleans: Charactonyms and Colloquialisms in George Washington Cable’s the Grandissimes and Old Creole Days.” Names: A Journal of Onomastics30.3 (1982): 183-91.

Fick, Thomas H., and Eva Gold. “The Mulatto in the Grandissimes: Category Crisis and Crisis of Category.” Xavier Review 21.1 (2001): 68-86.

Fisher, Benjamin Franklin I. V., and Michael P. Dean. “Triomphe De Villandry.” University of Mississippi Studies in English 5 (1984): 272-87.

Franchot, Jenny. “Unseemly Commemoration: Religion, Fragments, and the Icon.” Religion and Cultural Studies. Ed. Susan L. Mizruchi: Princeton UP, Princeton, NJ Pagination: 37-55, 2001. xxv, 269.

—. “Unseemly Commemoration: Religion, Fragments, and the Icon.” American Literary History 9.3 (1997): 502-21.

—. “Unseemly Commemorative: Religion, Fragments, and the Icon.” National Imaginaries, American Identities: The Cultural Work of American Iconography. Eds. Larry Reynolds and Gordon Hutner: Princeton UP, Princeton, NJ Pagination: 211-28, 2000. xiv, 245.

Frisby, James R., Jr. “New Orleans Writers and the Negro: George Washington Cable, Grace King, Ruth Mcenery Stuart, Kate Chopin, and Lafcadio Hearn, 1870-1900.” Dissertation Abstracts International 33 (1972): 2890A(Emory).

Gaudet, Marcia. “Folklore and Compassion: The Treatment of Leprosy in George Washington Cable’s ‘Jean-Ah Poquelin’.” Louisiana Literature: A Review of Literature and Humanities 1.2 (1984): 20-23.

Germana, Michael. “Real Change: George Washington Cable’s the Grandissimes and the Crime of ’73.” Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 61.3 (2005): 75-108.

Gillman, Susan. “The Squatter, the Don, and the Grandissimes in Our America.” Mixing Race, Mixing Culture: Inter-American Literary Dialogues. Eds. Monika Kaup and Debra J. Rosenthal: U of Texas P, Austin, TX Pagination: 140-59, 2002. xxix, 294.

Giordano, Fedora. “Cent’anni Di Esotismo: Il Voodoo Da G.W. Cable a Ishmael Reed.” L’esotismo Nella Letteratura Angloamericana. Ed. Elemire Zolla. Studi Di Lett. Angloamer. Number: 2: Lucarini, Rome Pagination: 173-97, 1979. 202.

Goldman, Arnold. “Life and Death in New Orleans.” The American City: Literary and Cultural Perspectives. Ed. Graham Clarke. Crit. Studies Ser.: St. Martin’s, New York Pagination: 146-178, 1988. 223.

Goodspeed, Julie. “The Use of Endogamous Marriage in the Formation of Creole Identity in Cable’s the Grandissimes, Chopin’s ‘Athénaïse,’ and King’s ‘La Grande Demoiselle’.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South 9.4 (1998): 45-67.

Graham, Mary. “The Protests of Writers and Thinkers.” The Rhetoric of Protest and Reform 1878-1898. Ed. Paul H. Boase: Ohio UP, Athens Pagination: 295-319, 1980. 354.

Gramer, Brandon John. “A Critical Edition of George Washington Cable’s ‘Old Creole Days’.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 65.11 (2005): 4197.

Haspel, Donald Paul, Jr. “George Washington Cable’s Civil War: Military Experience, Regional Identity, and Racial Politics in Postbellum America.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 57.7 (1997): 3020.

Haspel, Paul. “George Washington Cable and Bonaventure: A New Orleans Author’s Literary Sojourn into Acadiana.” Southern Literary Journal 35.1 (2002): 108-22.

Hill, Cason Louis. “A Bibliographical Study of George Washington Cable and a Check List of Criticism, 1870-1970.” Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1978): 4816A.

Holditch, W. Kenneth, and Drayton Hamilton. “The Grandissimes and the French Quarter.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 34-50.

Hornung, Alfred. “George Washington Cable’s Literary Reconstruction: Creole Civilization and Cultural Change.” Creoles and Cajuns: French Louisiana-La Louisiane Française. Ed. Wolfgang Binder: Peter Lang, Frankfurt, Germany Pagination: 229-46, 1998. 340.

Howell, Elmo. “Cable and the Creoles: A Note on ‘Jean-Ah-Poquelin’.” Xavier University Studies 9.3 (1970): 9-15.

—. “George Washington Cable’s Creoles: Art and Reform in the Grandissimes.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 26 (1973): 43-53.

Hubert, Thomas. “The Gardens of Old Creole Days.” Revue de Louisiane/Louisiana Review 9 (1980): 154-61.

Jones, Gavin. “Signifying Songs: The Double Meaning of Black Dialect in the Work of George Washington Cable.” American Literary History 9.2 (1997): 244-67.

Jones, Suzanne. The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life. Athens : U of Georgia P, 1988.

King, James Kimball. “George Washington Cable and Thomas Nelson Page: Two Literary Approaches to the New South.” Dissertation Abstracts 25 (1964): 2493-94.

Komins, Benton Jay. “A Reading of Cultural Diversity: The Island of New Orleans.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.5 (1998): 1562.

Kreyling, Michael. “After the War: Romance and the Reconstruction of Southern Literature.” Southern Literature in Transition: Heritage and Promise. Eds. Philip Castille, William Osborne and C. Hugh Holman: Memphis State UP, Memphis Pagination: 111-125, 1983. xxiv, 149.

Ladd, Barbara. “‘an Atmosphere of Hints and Allusions’: Bras – Coupé and the Context of Black Insurrection in the Grandissimes.” The Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 29.3 (1991): 63-76.

—. Nationalism and the Color Line in George W. Cable, Mark Twain, and William Faulkner. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State UP, 1996.

Ladd, Barbara Gail. “‘Incessant Reiteration’: Storytelling and the Redemption of the White Self in the Early Fiction of George W. Cable.” Dissertation Abstracts International 51.7 (1991): 2380A.

Landrum, Larry N. “A Definitive Edition of George W. Cable’s Dr. Sevier.” Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (1973): 1862A(Bowling.

Lennox, John. “Gothic Variations: De Gaspé’s Les Anciens Canadiens and Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Essays on Canadian Writing 29 (1984): 128-41.

Light, Kathleen Margaret. “Regionalism in American Literature: Southern Local Colorists in an Industrial Nation.” Dissertation Abstracts International 35 (1975): 4533A.

Lorch, Fred W. “Cable and His Reading Tour with Mark Twain in 1884-1885.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 23.4 (1952): 471-86.

Mehta, R. N. “Cable’s Handling of the Political Theme in the Grandissimes.” Indian Studies in American Fiction. Eds. M. K. Naik, et al.: Karnatak Univ.; Macmillan India, Dharwar; Delhi Pagination: 96-107, 1974. 329.

Menke, Pamela Glenn. “Chopin’s Sensual Sea and Cable’s Ravished Land: Sexts, Signs, and Gender Narrative.” Cross Roads: A Journal of Southern Culture 3.1 (1994): 78-102.

Moorhead, Michael. “The Use of Folklore in the Early Works of George Washington Cable.” Kentucky Folklore Record: A Regional Journal of Folklore and Folklife 27.1-2 (1981): 13-19.

Morehead, Martha Hines. “George W. Cable’s Use of the Bible in His Fiction and Major Polemical Essays.” Dissertation Abstracts International 41 (1980): 1597A-.

Payne, James Robert. “Emergence of Alternate Masculinity in George Washington Cable’s ‘Sieur George’ and ‘Belles Demoiselles Plantation’.” American Literary Realism 32.3 (2000): 244-.

—. “George Washington Cable’s ‘My Politics’: Context and Revision of a Southern Memoir.” Multicultural Autobiography: American Lives. Ed. James Robert Payne: U of Tennessee P, Knoxville Pagination: 94-113, 1992. xxxiii, 338.

—. “New South Narratives of Freedom: Rereading George Washington Cable’s ‘Tite Poulette’ and Madame Delphine.” MELUS: The Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 27.1 (2002): 3-23.

Perret, J. John. “The Ethnic and Religious Prejudices of G.W. Cable.” Louisiana Studies 11 (1972): 263-73.

—. “Strange True Stories of Louisiana: History or Hoax?” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South 16 (1977): 41-53.

Petry, Alice Hall. “A Fable of Love and Death: The Artistry of Cable’s ‘Jean-Ah Poquelin’.” Southern Literary Journal 15.2 (1983): 87-99.

—. A Genius in His Way: The Art of Cable’s Old Creole Days. Rutherford : Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1988.

—. “The Limits of Truth in Cable’s ‘Salome Müller’.” Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 27.1 (1991): 20-31.

—. “Native Outsider: George Washington Cable.” Literary New Orleans: Essays and Meditations. Ed. Richard S. Kennedy. Southern Literary Studies: Louisiana State UP, Baton Rouge Pagination: 1-7, 1992. xv, 91.

Piep, Karsten H. “Liberal Visions of Reconstruction: Lydia Maria Child’s a Romance of the Republic and George Washington Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Studies in American Fiction 31.2 (2003): 165-.

Planchard de Cussac, Etienne de. “The ‘Gothic’ Strategy of G. W. Cable in the Grandissimes.” Caliban 33 (1996): 137-46.

Planchard, Etienne de. “‘Contes Et Mécontes’ Du Roman Historique Chez G. W. Cable.” Caliban 28 (1991): 109-18.

—. “Creoles Et Quarteronnes Ou Le Role Des Femmes Dans La Critique Sociale Et Politique De G.W. Cable.” Caliban 17 (1980): 149-56.

—. “G. W. Cable: Un Moraliste Américain Des Les Creoles.” Morales Et Moralités Aux Etats-Unis. Ed. Sylvie Mathé: U de Provence P, Aix-en-Provence Pagination: 33-45, 1988. 156.

—. “George Washington Cable: Un Expansionniste De L’interieur.” La République Impérialiste: L’expansionnisme Et La Politique Exterieure Des Etats-Unis, 1885-1909. Eds. Serge Ricard and James Bolner: Univ. de Provence, Aix-en-Provence Pagination: 195-203, 1987. 396.

—. “‘Madame Delicieuse’: A Political Fable.” Caliban 12 (1975): 119-26.

Pontuale, Francesco. “Reconstruction New Orleans.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Cultures 52.1 (1998): 121-30.

Pugh, Griffith T. “George Washington Cable.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 20 (1967): 69-76.

Richardson, Emily Stenhouse. “Three Southern Views of Reconciliation, Economic Recovery and Race in the New South, 1865-1900: As Seen in the Life and Work of Thomas Nelson Page, Joel Chandler Harris and George Washington Cable.” Dissertation Abstracts International 48.12 (1988): 3184A.

Richardson, Thomas Joseph. “Artistic Dilemma in the New South: George W. Cable and the Hazards of Sectionalism.” Dissertation Abstracts International 37 (1976): 315A.

Richardson, Thomas J. “Centennial Essays: George W. Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980).

—. “George W. Cable’s ‘Jean Ah Poquelin’: Folklore and the New South.” Mississippi Folklore Register 21.1-2 (1987): 81-88.

—. The Grandissimes: Centennial Essays. Jackson : UP of Mississippi, 1981.

—. “Introduction: Honore Grandissime’s Southern Dilemma.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 1-12.

Ringe, Donald A. “The ‘Double Center’: Character and Meaning in Cable’s Early Novels.” Studies in the Novel 5 (1973): 52-62.

—. “The Moral World of Cable’s ‘Belles Demoiselles Plantation’.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 29 (1976): 83-90.

—. “Narrative Voice in Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 18.4 (1980): 13-22.

Rubin, Louis D., Jr. “The Division of the Heart: Cable’s the Grandissimes.” Southern Literary Journal 1.2 (1969): 27-47.

—. George W. Cable: The Life and Times of a Southern Heretic. New York : Pegasus, 1969.

—. “Politics and the Novel: George W. Cable and the Genteel Tradition.” 61-81 in William Elliott Shoots a Bear: Essays on the Southern Literary Imagination. Ed. pp: Louisiana State UP, Baton Rouge, 1975.

Samway, Patrick S. J. “Cable’s ‘Posson Jone” And ‘Père Raphael’: ‘Tis a Matt of Conscien’.” Revue de Louisiane/Louisiana Review 11.1 (1982): 61-72.

Sanford, Herman P. “The Moral Vision of George Washington Cable.” Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 30 (1969): 696A-97A.

Scheve, Pauline E. “George Washington Cable: The Marriage of Romance and Realism.” Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1978): 7338A.

Shannon, Anna Williams. “Women on the Color Line: Subversion of Female Stereotypes in the Fiction of Cable, King, and Chopin.” Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1980): 4044A-.

Stephens, Robert O. “Cable and Turgenev: Learning How to Write a Modern Novel.” Studies in the Novel 15.3 (1983): 237-48.

—. “Cable’s Bras Coupé and Mérimée’s Tamango: The Case of the Missing Arm.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 35.4 (1982): 387-405.

—. “Cable’s Grandissime Saga.” American Literary Realism 20.1 (1987): 3-17.

—. “Cable’s Madame Delphine and the Compromise of 1877.” Southern Literary Journal 12.1 (1979): 79-91.

—. “Cable’s the Grandissimes and the Comedy of Manners.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 51.4 (1980): 507-19.

Swann, Charles. “The Grandissimes: A Story-Shaped World.” Literature and History 13.2 (1987): 257-77.

—. “The Price of Charm: The Heroines of the Grandissimes.” Essays in Poetics: The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist School 13.1 (1988): 81-88.

Tinker, Edward Larocque. “Cable and the Creoles.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 5.4 (1934): 313-26.

Tipping, Schölin. “‘the Sinking Plantation-House’: Cable’s Narrative Method in the Grandissimes.” Essays in Poetics: The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist School 13.1 (1988): 63-80.

Trautmann, Fredrick. “The Twins of Genius: Readings by George Washington Cable and Mark Twain in Pennsylvania.” Pennsylvania History 43 (1976): 215-25.

Trotman, C. James. “George W. Cable and Tradition.” Texas Quarterly 19.3 (1976): 51-58.

Trotman, Clarence J. “The Short Fiction of George W. Cable.” Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (1973): 1940A-.

Turner, Arlin. Critical Essays on George W. Cable. Boston : Hall, 1980.

—. George W. Cable. 1: Austin, TX : Steck-Vaughn, 1969.

—. “George W. Cable on Prison Reform.” Huntington Library Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization 36 (1972): 69-75.

—. “George W. Cable’s Use of the Past.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 30 (1977): 512-16.

—. “Mark Twain, Cable, and ‘a Professional Newspaper Liar’.” New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 28.1 (1955): 18-33.

—. “Whittier Calls on George W. Cable.” New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 22.1 (1949): 92-96.

Usandizaga, Aránzazu. “Deepening Hues to Local Color: George Washington Cable and Sarah Barnwell Elliot.” Soft Canons: American Women Writers and Masculine Tradition. Ed. Karen L. Kilcup: U of Iowa P, Iowa City, IA Pagination: 141-64, 1999. 345.

Venise, Jamie. “A History of Hearts: War, Anxiety, and Romance in the Writings of George W. Cable.” Dissertation Abstracts International 55.4 (1994): 968A.

Ware, Elaine. “A Critical Edition of George Washington Cable’s the Cavalier.” Dissertation Abstracts International 43.10 (1983): 3320A.

—. “George W. Cable’s the Cavalier: An American Best Seller and Theatrical Attraction.” Southern Literary Journal 19.2 (1987): 70-80.

Weaks, Mary Louise. “A Meeting of Southerners: Joel Chandler Harris, Mark Twain, and George Washington Cable.” Atlanta Historical Journal 30.3-4 (1986): 89-96.

Webb, Bernice Larson. “Cable’s Handling of the Mutilated Black Prince in the Grandissimes.” Revue de Louisiane/Louisiana Review 11.2 (1982): 101-06.

Wykoff, George S. “The Cable Family in Indiana.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 1.2 (1929): 183-95.