DC Launchpad

Resources to utilize during the DCs

The “DC Launchpad” is your reference point for all the important information you’ll need during DC’s. If you need to get to the schedule, look up a form or the price of a procedure, learn how to set up your master problem list, or learn how to do any number of other important tasks, the Launchpad is your starting point.

The Diagnostic Challenge has several steps and procedures – a glimpse of what it will be like in fourth year and out in practice. Depending on your case and what decisions your team and client decide to investigate several of the links on this page will help guide you through those steps.

“Diagnostic Challenge forces you to delve into depth and application of substantial material. Invaluable experience!” 

DC Participant

Remember: “The DCs are about PROCESS – The process of working through a case using a logical, systematic approach to arrive at a diagnosis and (most importantly) to LEARN along the way.”