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Emily M Hall



Hall, E.M., Brady, S.P., Mattheus, N.M., Earley, R.L., Diamond, M., and Crespi, E.J. 2017. Physiological consequences of exposure to salinized roadside ponds on wood frog larvae and adults. Biological Conservation. 209, 98–106. (doi:

Hall, E.M., Crespi, E.J., Goldberg, C.S., Brunner, J.L. 2016. Evaluating environmental DNA-based quantification of ranavirus infection in amphibian populations. Molecular Ecology Resources.16(2), 423-433.(doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12461)

Crespi, E.J., Rissler, L.J., Mattheus, N., Engbrecht, K., Duncan, S., Seaborn, T., Hall, E.M., Peterson, J.D., Brunner, J.L. 2015. Geophysiology of wood frogs: Landscape patterns of prevalence of disease and circulating hormone concentrations across the eastern range. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55(4), pp.602-617. (doi: 10.1093/icb/icv096)

In preparation:

Hall, E.M., Goldberg, C., Brunner, J., and Crespi, E.J., Seasonal dynamics of ranavirus epidemics in wood frog larvae are driven by developmental stage and temperature. Target: Oecologia

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., and Crespi, E.J. Crossroads of stress and disease: Proximity to roads increases disease susceptibility in amphibian populations. Target: Nature Ecology & Evolution

Duncan, S., Hall, E.M., Crespi, E.J., Edge, C., and Rissler, L., Geographic and ecological patterns of development and survival across a species’ range: a common garden and reciprocal transplant approach. Target: Journal of Biogeography

Hall, E.M., Unkefer, M., Duncan, S., Rissler, L., and Crespi, E.J., Geographic variation in foraging behavior and physiology of the wood frog, Lithobates sylvatica. Target: Proceedings of the Royal Society B



Hall, E.M., Reinert, L.K., Fletcher, B., Miller, B., Inman, B., Rollins-Smith L., “Effects of temperature fluctuations on development of immunity in southern leopard frogs.” IRCEB Amphibian Disease Meeting, Tempe AZ, Nov 2017

Hall, E.M., Goldberg, C., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Seasonal dynamics of ranavirus epidemics in wood frog populations” 4th International Symposium on Ranaviruses, Budapest, Hungary. June 2017

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Salt, stress and susceptibility: the influence of road runoff on ranavirus-related die-offs in larval wood frogs” IRCEB Amphibian Disease Meeting, Tempe AZ, Nov 2016

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “On the road to disease: testing the stress-induced susceptibility hypothesis in amphibian populations adjacent to roads” Online Global Ranavirus Consortium Course, Apr 2016

Brunner, J.L., E.J. Crespi, E. Hall. “The epidemiology of Ranavirus in wood frogs in the Northeast: lessons for the Northwest?” Joint Partner Wildlife Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID. Feb 2016

Brunner, J.L., E.J. Crespi, E. Hall. “Heterogeneities in ranavirus transmission.” Amphibian Disease Conference, Tempe, AZ. Nov. 2015

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Hypersaline roadside conditions influence larval amphibian susceptibility to ranavirus infection” Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD. Aug 2015

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “On the road to disease: susceptibility to ranavirus infection of wood frog populations near roads” Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 2015

Brunner, J.L. C. Goldberg, E.J. Crespi, and E. Hall. “The positives and negatives of ranavirus detection with eDNA.” 3rd International Ranavirus Symposium, Gainesville, FL. June 2015

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “On the road to disease: susceptibility to infection in wood frog populations living near roads” EARThs Conference, Washington State University, Pullman WA. Apr. 2015

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “A salted frog: does the hypersaline roadside environment affect disease susceptibility?” Spring Symposium, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Feb. 2015

Hall, E.M., Goldberg, C.G., Brady, S.P., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J. “Amphibian conservation: At the crossroads of physiology and disease ecology” EcoLunch, Washington State University, Pullman WA. Oct 2014

Goldberg, C.G., Brunner, J., Hall, E.M., Strickler, K., Fremier, A., Crespi, E.J, “Simulatneous detection of amphibian pathogens and their vertebrate hosts in aquatic systems” Society for Conservation Biology Meeting, Missoula, MT. July 2014

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Amphibian conservation: crossroads of stress and infection” Summer Seminar Series at Yale-Myers, Ashford, CT. June 2014

Hall, E.M., Crespi, E.J., Mattheus, N., Duncan, S., Rissler. L.J., “Intraspecific patterns of physiology across a species range: biogeography of stress” School of Biological Science Spring Symposium, Washington State University, Pullman WA. Feb. 2013

Hall, E.M., Crespi, E.J., Mattheus, N., Duncan, S., Rissler. L.J., “Intraspecific Patterns Of Physiology Across A Species Range: Stress, Reproduction, & Disease” International Biogeography Society meeting: Biogeography of Stress Workshop. Miami, FL, Jan. 2013

Hall, E.M., Watt, L., Schemske, D., “Leptosiphon Edaphic experiments: the dirty work” Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Apr. 2009

Hall, E.M., Heuttman F., “Introduction to Stream Ecology at La Suerte Biological Station” La Suerte, Costa Rica, Aug. 2008


Hall E.M., Goldberg, C., Crespi, E.J., Brunner, J.L. “Time series of ranavirus epidemiology in wood frog ephemeral ponds” 14th annual Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. June 2016

Hall, E.M., Goldberg, C.G., Brady, S.P., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Mapping the susceptibility landscape: the crossroads of physiology and disease dynamics” The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach, FL. January 2015

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J.,Mapping the susceptibility landscape: ubiquitous pathogen, heterogeneous environment” Research coordination network in Ecoimmunology meeting, Woods Hole, MA May 2014

Hall, E.M., Hutzenbiler, B., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Susceptibility across the landscape: integrating epidemiology and host physiology” Second International Symposium on Ranaviruses. Knoxville, TN. July 2013

Hall, E.M., Brunner, J.L., Crespi, E.J., “Proposal: Climate change effects on amphibian stress responsiveness and implications for susceptibility to disease in Glacier National Park, MT” School of Biological Sciences Spring Symposium, Washington State University, Pullman WA. Feb. 2012