July 2023 Progress Meeting

Welcome to the UI-ASSIST July Progress Workshop 2023!

We are looking forward to another year full of progress and collaboration. More information coming soon for our 2023 annual meeting! Our meeting will be held July 12 – 14th in Orlando, Florida.

Register here

For further information, contact ui.assist@wsu.edu

Wednesday July 12th

7:00-8:15 am Open Registration Registration and Buffet Breakfast Speakers
8:15 – 9:45 am Welcome – Introductions and Logistics 


– Ankush Sharma (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU)

-JBV Reddy* (DST), Anita Gupta* (DST), Chaitali Bhattacharya* (IUSSTF)

-Merrill Smith (DOE)
9:45-10:00am Break    
10:00-12:30pm Session #1   

– Energy Storage Analysis 

– Field/Lab Demonstrations including BESS
-A K Saxena (TERI), Mukesh Kumar (TERI), Olive Ray (IITBBS)

-Alasdair Crawford (PNNL), Nicholas DeForest *(LBNL), Rabab Haider (MIT)

– A K Saxena (TERI), Mukesh Kumar (TERI), Sayonsom Chanda (NREL), Noel Schulz (WSU)
12:30-1:30pm Lunch Lunch Buffet 
1:30-3:15pm Session #2    – Distribution and Microgrid Protection  

– Benchmark Models and Test Systems 

– Operational Challenges: EVs and Service Transformers 
-S R Samantaray (IITBBS), B. K. Panigrahi* (IITD), Jorge Cisneros Saldana (TAMU), Mani Venkata* (VCS)

-M V Gururaj (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU), Anurag Srivastava (WVU)

-Mukesh Kumar(TERI), Ankush Sharma (IITK), Mohammad Khoshjahan (TAMU), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU)
3:15-3:30pm Break  
3:30-4:45pm Session #3  Power System Ancillary Services: VVC, Inertia, Frequency support and Transactive Control  Abheejeet Mohapatra (IITK), Rabab Haider (MIT), Anurag Srivastava (WVU), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU)
4:45-5:00pm Group Photo                All 
5:30-7:00pm Evening Reception Drinks and light hors d’oeuvres 
(* Indicates planned virtual participation)

Thursday, July 13th

7:15-8:00am Open Registration Registration and Buffet Breakfast Speakers
8:00-8:15am Recap/ Today’s Goal  Ankush Sharma (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU)
8:15-9:45 am Session #4  – Cyber Security  

– Cyber Physical Systems including Testbeds
– Amey Karkare* (IITK), B. K. Panigrahi* (IITD), Mohammad Khoshjahan (TAMU), Anurag Srivastava (WVU), Gary B Huffman (B&McD)

-N P Padhy (IITR), MV Gururaj (IITK), Anurag Srivastava (WVU), Neto Francisco (B&McD)
9:45-10:00am Break 
10:00-12:00pm Session #5  – MEMS and ADMS  

– Lab/Field Case Studies 
– Abheejeet Mohapatra (IITK), Ankush Sharma (IITK), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU), Anurag Srivastava (WVU)

– Abheejeet Mohapatra (IITK), Ankush Sharma (IITK), Shiv Kumar (IITK), Mukesh Kumar (TERI), John Hieb (SnoPUD), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU), Devendra Vishwakarma (L&T)
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Lunch Buffet 
1:00-2:45pm Session #6  – Data Driven Methods including Forecasting  and Event Analytics 

– Reliability and Resiliency  
– Abheejeet Mohapatra (IITK), A K Saxena (TERI), Ahmed Saber (ETAP), Anurag Srivastava (WVU)

– N P Padhy (IITR), Arun Karngala (TAMU), Anurag Srivastava (WVU), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU)
2:45-3:00pm Break  
3:00-5:00pm Session#7  – Retail Markets and DSO  

– Social Implications

– Policy, Regulation, Standard and Social Implications  
– Abhijit Abhyankar (IITD), Rabab Haider (MIT)

– Anoop Singh (IITK), Christine Horne* (WSU)

– A K Saxena (TERI), Anjan Bose (WSU)
Dinner on your own 
(* Indicates planned virtual participation)

Friday, July 14th

7:15-8:00am Open Registration Registration and Buffet Breakfast Speakers
8:00-8:15am Recap/ Today’s Goal  Ankush Sharma (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU)
8:15-9:45 am Session #8 – Laboratory Scale Demonstrations 

– Field Demonstrations 
– MV Gururaj (IITK), Rob Hovsapian (NREL), Mohammad Khoshjahan (TAMU), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU)

– S.C. Srivastava (IITK), Ankush Sharma (IITK), A K Saxena (TERI), Ben Shannon (AVISTA)
9:45-10:00am Break  
10:00-12:00pm Session #9 Review Presentation for IUSSTF, DST, and DOE (Private Session)Ankush Sharma (IITK), Abheejeet Mohapatra (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU), Sanjeev Pannala (WSU), Anurag Srivastava (WVU)
Session #10Summary and Future OpportunitiesJBV Reddy* (DST), Anita Gupta* (DST), Chaitali Bhattacharya* (IUSSTF), Michael Pesin (DOE), Merrill Smith (DOE)
Lunch Lunch Buffet 
3:00 pm
Session#11  Workforce Development and Outreach including External CommunicationsS.C. Srivastava (IITK), Ankush Sharma (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU), Gary B Huffman (B&McD), Geoffrey Thatcher (WSU)
3:00 –
3:30 PM
Session #12  Project Finish and Closing RemarkAnkush Sharma (IITK), Noel Schulz (WSU), UI-ASSIST participants
Thank you for attending
(* Indicates planned virtual participation)

Hotel Information

We are looking forward to hosting you in Orlando Florida.

To book with the hotel block, please fill out the hotel registration form

Price: 109 USD per night

Start Date: July 11th, 2023

End Date: July 16th, 2023

Last Day to Book: June 12th, 2023


Please contact ui.assist@wsu.edu with questions regarding transportation from the airport.