Our Program

The Washington State University Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine is a partnership between the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Idaho Department of Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences, and Montana State University. Our program accepts students from all of our contract states and seats are available for non-residents on both the WSU and MSU campuses.

The WSU College of Veterinary Medicine is also a partner with the Western Interstate Commission of Higher Education (WICHE) program and welcomes WICHE-sponsored students from Hawaii, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Wyoming.

Student sits on floor holding dog

The partnership with Montana State through the Regional Program was a large reason I chose the program at WSU. I knew that I would benefit from being in a small class and having close communication with my professors, especially for first year. Overall, the opportunities that WSU offered me both financially and academically served as great incentive for my choosing to attend.

-Anna DeCann (2026 DVM)

Regional Program Highlights

  • Certified Montana and Idaho residents pay in-state tuition all four years
  • Montana residents spend their first year at Montana State University before coming to WSU to complete the next three years of their professional veterinary education (1+3 program)
  • Possible option to attend MSU for year one for non-resident students
  • All students earn their DVM degree from WSU


  • WSU | Pullman, WA
    • up to 55 Washington residents
    • up to 11 Idaho residents
    • up to 60 WICHE, nonresidents, and international students
  • MSU | Bozeman, MT
    • 10 MT residents
    • Up to 6 additional seats available. Preference given first to MT WICHE applicants followed by applicants from other WICHE states and then nonresidents.

Accreditation – The AVMA Council on Education® (AVMA COE®) accredits DVM or equivalent educational programs. The AVMA COE assures that minimum standards in veterinary medical education are met by all AVMA-accredited colleges of veterinary medicine, and that students enrolled in those colleges receive an education which will prepare them for entry-level positions in the profession. The WSU College of Veterinary Medicine underwent accreditation review in 2017 and the current status is accredited. The next accreditation review will be in 2024.