Non-academic Requirements

Non-academic criteria are used to assess if an applicant possesses the qualities of a successful veterinarian and has a holistic understanding of the profession.

Applicants are reviewed holistically, considering academic excellence, diverse experiences, strong recommendations, and passion for veterinary medicine. This approach assesses candidates as whole individuals, factoring in any challenges they’ve faced, as self-identified in VMCAS and WSU-specific questions. This method promotes fairness and inclusivity by recognizing various factors affecting access to opportunities.

Evaluated Application Components

The VMCAS application offers you the opportunity to list several types of experiences. Include all areas of experience that have had a significant effect on your personal or professional development. Begin with the most recent, but your experiences may extend back through high school as appropriate. It is best not to list a specific experience in more than one category. Applicants are evaluated on all of the experience categories on the VMCAS application and are encouraged to include experience in all applicable areas.

All applicants are required to obtain three electronic letters of recommendation (eLOR) submitted directly from the evaluator through VMCAS, and at least one must be from a veterinarian. Applicants may submit up to six letters of recommendation. At least three letters will be reviewed with your application, although the reviewer may elect to read more. All evaluators selected should know the applicant well enough to provide meaningful comments. Letters of recommendation from family members or personal friends will not be reviewed.

The personal statement gives a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. 

Although there is no set of rules mandating what a strong personal statement should include, here are a few tips to help you successfully craft an effective personal statement.

  • Explain a defining moment that helped steer you toward a career in veterinary medicine. Consider using that moment as the focal point of your essay.
  • Be original and thoughtful: Discuss how you would contribute to the profession and patient care, all of which will help you stand out from other applicants.
  • As you are telling us why you want to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, explain why you are a good candidate for veterinary school. Ask yourself — in a pile of 100 applications, would I enjoy reading my statement? Be sure to convey your passion for veterinary medicine in your statement.

The final question provides applicants an opportunity to make a case as to why they are the best possible student for the DVM program. It is a chance to set yourself apart from other candidates, provide background information that might not otherwise be included in the application, explain special situations or circumstances that have influenced you as a person, and describe where you see yourself in the future.

Applicants will answer essay questions as part of the WSU supplemental requirements. These questions give insight into the reasons an applicant has chosen to apply to our program specifically and how their personal values and experiences will contribute to their veterinary education.

  1. At WSU we believe all people deserve dignity and equity. As we build and sustain a community that respects differences, celebrates diversity, and values inclusion, we seek applicants who will strive to uphold these values. As a student, how will you contribute to this culture and community?
  2. The WSU DVM program attracts students for a number of reasons, including our outstanding simulation-based education program, our practical approach to clinical communication training, the unique Diagnostic Challenge program, the strong community culture, and financial considerations. Reflecting on these, what resonates most with you? In your response, explain how this aligns with your personal interests and values, or career aspirations.
  3. There may have been circumstances in your life that you feel have affected your ability to achieve your academic/career goals. Please indicate if you feel you have had to overcome one or a combination of economic, educational, and/or cultural-environmental factors as outlined below. If you check yes to any factor you will be given the opportunity to explain your circumstances.
    1. Economic factors: a demonstrated history of low income of applicant and family unit prior to college entrance and pre-veterinary education; significant financial support provided by applicant to the family unit prior to and during pre-veterinary education; if applicant has a major financial responsibility to a household; and history of financial aid. 
    2. Educational factors: inadequate early education because of frequent change of schools during elementary and secondary education; unusual number of hours of employment or necessitated other time commitments for supporting self or family unit during high school and pre-veterinary education; lack of exposure to academic role models and of participation in sound educational programs. 
    3. Cultural/environmental factors: born to immigrant parents; reared in an ethnic minority culture; reared in a family with English as a second language; experienced cultural stress as a result of transition from a predominantly ethnic minority community to an academic environment; reared in an economically depressed area; reared by someone other than parents; reared in an environment lacking exposure to opportunities offered by higher education; reared in an environment of abuse such as alcohol, drugs, child abuse and other physical abuse.
  4. Have you previously applied to Washington State University’s DVM Program?
    1. If you select yes you will be asked to briefly describe how you have strengthened your application since your previous submission.

While this section is not required, applicants are encouraged to use it to record information that needs detailed explanation and is not listed anywhere else in your application. This section can also be used to include additional information you consider vital to your application. Your explanation statement should be clearly and succinctly written. 

Examples of pertinent information might include explanations about interruptions in your studies or experiences, unique circumstances you have faced, or reasons for decisions you have made. Extenuating circumstances, such as extensive extracurricular work commitments or family responsibilities, are also taken into consideration.

Top Washington, Idaho, and Montana resident applicants will be invited for a 30-minute personal interview as part of the application process.

The admissions committee will ask behavioral and knowledge-based questions during your individual interview for veterinary school to assess your motivation, communication, teamwork skills, compassion, empathy, professionalism, integrity, ethics, maturity, experience with a veterinarian in your desired area of interest, and knowledge of the profession. You should also review your application so you are comfortable answering any questions that might be targeted toward something on your VMCAS application.

Your interview is an important part of the assessment process, and you should consider this a professional interview and prepare and dress accordingly. It is important to be well prepared for your interview, so you are confident and relaxed. When preparing, study common interview questions and be sure you are up to date on current events and issues in the veterinary profession. Practice answering your questions alone and with others.

You are encouraged to extend your stay in Pullman to participate in the many scheduled events designed to provide information about the DVM program. Some of these opportunities may include attending a class or facility tour, meeting with current students, and attending an evening mixer where you can meet other applicants, faculty, staff, and students.