Brooklynn Balic

DVM student Brooklynn Balic stands with a cow

Hi, I’m Brooklynn!

I’m a DVM student from British Columbia and completed my undergraduate studies at University of British Columbia—Okanagan. I started the DVM program on the Pullman campus as a member of the class of 2027. This is my second year as an ambassador!

I’d love to talk to you about the DVM curriculum in years 1 and 2.

Areas of interest

  • Small animal emergency medicine
  • Small animal dentistry
  • Exotics
  • Wildlife

Club involvement

  • Veterinary Business Management Association
  • Emergency and Critical Care Club
  • Dental Club
  • Herd Health

Extracurricular activities

  • DVM Orientation mentor

Proximity wise, WSU was the closest school to my hometown in Kelowna, BC. But it was (and still is) also so much more than that. I was especially attracted to the many different hands on experiences (both live and simulation) at WSU, and these have all been incredibly useful in expanding my outside knowledge of the veterinary field.

I wish that I had known just how easy it is to adjust to life in vet school! I was personally really worried about missing my family back home, and having that affect my studies. But once classes start and you really get into the swing of things, you get so busy that you don’t even have time to feel homesick!

I have truly gotten the privilege to participate in so many different experiences through WSU, all within just my first year! I learned how to extract teeth and take radiographs through Dental club, participated in a low-cost spay/neuter clinic through Shelter Medicine club, and even got a behind the scenes tour of Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma through ZEW Club. Each of these experiences, among many others, have all helped me learn just the kind of doctor that I want to be, and what strategies I may choose to apply when working in clinics.